Environmental monitoring is gathering, assessing and reporting environmental information obtained through continuous or periodic sampling, observation and analysis of both natural variation or changes and anthropogenic pressures and their effects on humans and the environment. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment discusses technical developments and data arising from environmental monitoring and assessment, principles in the design of monitoring systems, and the use of monitoring data in assessing the consequences of natural resource management and pollution risks.
Mersat offers wide range of following monitoring and testing services:
Air pollution is a major environmental risk to health. Monitoring ambient outdoor air quality to keep track of major pollutants and accordingly plan out mitigation measures for the health and wellbeing of the population.
It is essential to ensure the quality of indoor air inside offices, schools, and other workplaces for the solace and health of the workers.
Emission of gas from the combustion of fuels have a vital role in the increased atmospheric pollution which causes major health issues. Gaseous Emission Testing is important to make sure the emission is not producing excess pollution.
Stack Monitoring is a process to measure emissions of industrial wastes into the atmosphere. These can adversely affect local air quality and consequently such outflows need to be regularly managed.
Noise monitoring must be conducted when exposures are at or above 85 dB. It is necessary to assess the noise levels in the workplace and to estimate the noise exposure or "dose" received by employees during the workday.
Vibration Monitoring is a process of looking for irregularities and monitoring change from the established vibration signature of a system.
Formaldehyde is considered a strong irritant and strong sensitizer. Formaldehyde Monitoring is essential to measure the employee exposure to formaldehyde and to make sure the employees are not over exposed to formaldehyde.
Soil has to be tested to make sure the it has the ability to support your construction structure. In addition to that, the materials which you are using for your construction also has to be tested to confirm that the specifications are being met during the construction.
Various tests has to be conducted on bitumen to assess its consistency, gradation, viscosity, temperature susceptibility, and safety.
Testing the water allows to address the specific problems of a water supply. This helps ensure that the water source is being properly protected from potential contamination, and that an appropriate treatment system is selected and is operating properly.
Non-destructive testing is a descriptive term used for the examination of materials and components in such a way that allows materials to be examined without changing or destroying their usefulness.